Tuesday, 26 April 2011

MFE Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

And so it was off down to Brighton on the Sunday of the bank holiday weekend for the annual March for England Saint Georges Day Parade. Yes we know St Georges was on the Saturday but the OB were overstretched with football and asked if it could be on the Sunday, MFE being the nice guys that they are duly obliged.

Now I love MFE and support them whenever possible. Top guys and girls without a hint of racism who enjoy promoting the rich traditions and culture of our great country while not being afraid to stand up to our enemies and those who wish to undermine us. Led by the irrepressible Pompey Dave you know its going to be a well organised affair.

This event has a bit of history to it. Last year the scum sucking leeches of the left decided that the sight of our national flag was so offensive to their socialist ideals that the march had to be stopped. They worked themselves into a foaming frenzy of communist fervor and decided they would do everything to block the parade even to the point of soliciting people to come armed and ready for violence. One weedy university student was dragged from his piss soaked pit after urging other soapdodgers to get tooled up on facebook.

Well as history reports it didn't go their way even though they indiscriminately attacked women and children who had come to town for a traditional day by the sea and to celebrate our Patron Saint. Many a leftist shitstain was sent packing with a fat lip and worse.

Of course you couldn't really have expected any different this year and there they were again. A ragtag band of soapy looking students, antifa wannabes and crusty old socialists nimbys. It makes my piss boil listening to these twats talking shit about things they only read about in the biased rags like the Morning Star, Socialist Worker and the Guardian.
`Ooh your all racists` they shout. `That flag screams colonialism and is a reminder of our imperialistic past`. Bollocks, I say. Its our countrys flag and if you dont like it fuck off to Nicaragua or Cuba or some other commie shithole.

Well I`d barely made it out of the station before I got my first `warning` of the day from plod. Fuck em, I wont be silenced.

It was good to see all the old faces and a lot of new uns young and old gathered outside a friendly alehouse. Time for a few bevvys and chew the cud. Pompey Dave was busy making sure the OB gave no ground to the human tidemark that had gathered opposite and as good as their word the plod washed them down the street allowing us to get our patriots moving.

Off we went, a procession of Englands finest in great voice. A sea of red and white rolling down towards the town escorted by a very unseasonal looking platoon of high viz wearing rozzers. We were followed by a ragtag bunch of smelly tramps and hobos screaming incoherent rants and unintelligible bullshit. It was sport for us as insults were traded and victims targeted in song. A veritable plethora of fucked up weirdos and freaks of nature were laid waste as they got the full blast of nationalistic pride and fervour. I was loving it as I picked up warning after warning after last warning after final warning, ultimatum ect ect ect. I,m not backing down to these dirt encrusted anglophobics and neither was anyone else.

There were a few flash points as the grime gang tried to get brave behind the lines of police that were there to protect them. Ultimately they knew the score. Push your luck that bit more and your weekends will involve eating unpalatable food behind the wire holding your jaw together. Not a good look for the summer.

We ended up on the green at Victoria Gardens for a short time as a small group of UAF tards were allowed to pollute the air with their unwashed stench. Strangely three crustys who had obviously been on the mushrooms decided it would be clever to walk through, gob off and spit at one of our lads. Two got battered for their cheek and the soap on a rope who did the gobbing ended up getting nicked for his troubles. The twat.

We were then returned back to our friendly ale house where we were allowed to carry on with the days festivities. The old bill left and without the protection afforded to them the scum melted away aware of how any confrontation would result. Most of the patriots rolled down to the pier and on to the beach to enjoy the rest of the beautiful bank holiday weather.

We corralled the occasional passing lefty and one thing that surprised me was that most didn't have a clue who we were or what we were about. We even kidnapped one of the biggest pisstakers who followed us around through the day and got him to sit down for a pint. He admitted that for him and his mates it was all banter and they thought we were just a bunch of BNP style racists. He left educated as did a few others we spoke to.

It was a great day and a great success for MFE. Pompey Dave should be proud of himself and His organisation. The results speak for themselves. Patriots arrested = 0 Lefty scum = 9

Well done mate and I,m looking forward to next year already

Green Lane Update

Thanks to Mick, Romford Division for this information

Quick update on Green Lane, we met the head of finance and head of planning we got assurances that any  money wont be given to them or used to fund any parking measures/traffic surveys etc, the planning guy was fully behind us and could not understand himself how they passed it, we now have 2 options one is the judicial review that we have to pay for and the alternative is to get the councilors to revoke the permission, this is done by getting them to raise it at a group meeting which if we ask they are obliged by law to do so and hope that they will have a rethink once they are presented with the full facts and weight of public opinion.
Personally as it was so close on the last vote and stuff was withheld i think we stand a pretty good chance, there are a few cost issues which the council would have to pay for but its small change compared to the cost of continued policing of the demo's.

I would personally like to thank everybody who have put in a tireless effort locally in Dagenham. No Surrender.. 

Friday, 22 April 2011

Seen outside a London Mosque

I took these photographs outside the Masjid Tawhid in Leyton High Road recently. They fit with this story, which is Cardiff not London.

The Masjid Tawhid is the mosque where preacher Usama Hasan got into trouble for saying that the theory of evolution was compatible with the teachings of Islam, and had to retract some of his opinions under threat of consequences.

CHINGFORD: Council to decide mosque expansion plans

As Tommy Robinson said in Dagenham last week there are so many applications coming through to build new mosques or extend existing ones that they cannot all be countered, hence the general campaign being organised. This application is of particular interest due to the interference of a certain councillor.

From This is Local London
A BID to expand a mosque could still go ahead after a senior councillor intervened to prevent the application being refused outright.

The Chingford Islamic Society bookshop and cultural centre in Chingford Mount Road wants to convert the adjacent nail shop and first floor flat, which it bought last year.

Officers recommended the plans for refusal due to the loss of a residential premises, the impact on surrounding residential occupiers and parking, with the increased number of visitors.

But Lea Bridge ward councillor and cabinet member Afzal Akram has stepped in to ask officers to refer the application to a planning committee. However, he has not made a formal comment on the bid and explained why he has intervened.

The council said nearby residents on Chingford Mount Road and Royston Avenue were consulted, but no responses were received.
A local resident gives this as the reason
"If anyone dared to object, theyd be classed as racist so its not even worth bothering".
I have heard of 95% of objections to one planning project (I forget where but it wasn't London) being rejected for that reason; only objections concerning parking were accepted.

The Guardian has approached both the mosque and Cllr Akram for a comment.

The first comment says it better than I could
"Would be nice if Mr Akram thought about the whole community for a change, rather than just the select few who happen to be his cronies".

Cllr Akram represents the area in the south of the borough around the Jamia Masjid Ghousia Mosque in Lea Bridge Road. This mosque in Chingford is several miles away in the north of the borough.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Purpose behind their provocation

There is something very odd about this youtube video clip to my mind. Aside from the obvious ranting. It is one of a series of clips from the individual members of Muslims against Crusades on the subject of their threatened action to disrupt the royal wedding next week.

Leave aside the horrible sight of boxer Anthony Small chomping from his halal chicken takeaway box in and out of shot to the right. It is not just his ludicrous suggestion that David Cameron has nightmares that a helicopter will fly up to Big Ben, place a black flag of islam on the tower and replace the numbers on the clock with Arabic ones. That is ludicrous on so many levels, not least because the crafty and inventive kafur have cunningly placed staircases and ladders behind the face of the clock for ease of repair and maintenance. And the numerals we call 'Arabic' were stolen from the Hindus, who also developed the concept of zero, by the way.

It is not his rejoicing in the anticipation of Cameron and the rest paying him jizya.

Its not even his stating that all women even the Queen must wear the niqab as MAC have demanded that before.

It is something about the relish with which he adds that Kate Middleton, who must also wear the niqab, is a whore. And a fornicator. He almost licks his lips. His eyes light up with delight at how naughty he has just been.

I agree with the wise and sober members of the EDL who believe that MAC are trying as hard as they can to provoke a reaction in the form of a counter demonstration by the EDL tomorrow week, be it official or unofficial. We must not rise to the bait; we must rise above it.

There are a few of these clips about. I think all the well known faces of MAC have done a party piece for this purpose.

Let them rant. Let them rave. There are not very many of them and they are not the real danger - the quiet and steathy MCB types, the false sense of security types, are that. But MAC are useful because they speak the unadorned truth about islam.

Let them rant and rave. And if they disturb the day of celebration let the British public who may not watch documentaries like My Brother the Islamist, or even News at Ten, but who will be glued to the coverage from Westminster Abbey listen and learn.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Tower Hamlets Mayor told to say sorry to sex crime victim after his testimonial to her attacker

The Mayor of Tower Hamlets has been asked to say sorry to a young woman who was attacked by a sex pervert who picked her up in his illegal minicab.

Lutfur Rahman (a dubious character who changes from Labour to the Respect party as and when it suits his purpose and who, like George Galloway before him owes much to the support of the Islamic Forum of Europe) had given a ‘good character’ reference to the man which was used to try and convince a judge not to jail him. Mr Rahman claimed the testimonial “was a genuine mistake” when he faced angry councillors at last night’s council meeting.

Zamal Uddin, 44, who sexually assaulted the 26-year-old woman in October, was jailed for 18 months and put on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years after admitting two charges of sexual assault and driving while disqualified.

Councillors challenged the Mayor over whether he knew Uddin faced serious criminal charges when he gave the testimonial.

“For you to say you ‘made a mistake’ is outrageous,” said Tory Opposition leader Peter Golds. “You’re a solicitor and member of the Law Society—yet you gave a reference on Tower Hamlets notepaper for this corrupt, perverted criminal. You know better than anyone how the Law stands—you should apologise to the people of Tower Hamlets for your testimonial to a pervert who’s been recommended for deportation.”

Labour’s Rachael Saunders said: “I hope the mayor apologises to the woman to save the reputation of the council.” Her colleague Bill Turner said: “Lutfur has acknowledged his mistake—but needs to explain what happened.”

Cockneys Vs Zombies - Dawn of the brown bread

This is a new film, a comedy horror apparently, which began filming around London a few days ago. You may have heard of it already. You may even be planning to apply to join the cast of extras. But it was news to me this morning. And the extra work (over 18s only) is unpaid, which I think might be a breach of union rules. A few of my friends have done extra work in their time and they say the pay and conditions are very strict. Leaving that aside the plot synopsis is this:
"When you’re robbing a bank, a Zombie invasion makes things a lot harder. And let’s face it, Katy (Michelle Ryan), Andy (Harry Treadaway) and Terry (Rasmus Hardiker) need all the help they can get when their bank robbing experts turn out to be Mental Mickey (Ashley ‘Bashy’ Thomas) and Davey Tuppence (Jack Doolan). Just as contractors at an East London building site unlock a 350 year old vault full of seriously hungry Zombies, the East End has suddenly gone to Hell. Equipped with all the guns and ammo they can carry, it’s up to the gang to save the hostages, their grandparents and East London from Zombie-Armageddon. When it’s the undead vs the living… its Cockneys vs Zombies."

The East End has gone to hell all right, but I would prefer the undead to be the problem. The taliban are very much alive. As the Sunday Times and the Mail on Sunday reported yesterday as well as intimidating gays in East London non Muslim women are now being pressured to conform to the sharia dress code. A woman, born in Bangladesh who is an atheist, married to a Christian and employed by a Hindu pharmacist has been told, and her employer threatened about her English clothes. " “If she keeps working here and continues to dress like that, then we will boycott you because this is a Muslim area,” Which was followed by an even angrier younger man with a death threat.

Give me a zombie to fight any day of the week. Honor Blackman, who older men will remember from the first episodes of The Avengers, or maybe her role of Pussy Galore to Sean Connery's James Bond is also in the cast. I think she should still be a match for the creatures from the pit. If anybody spots filming around town I'll be interested to hear what and where. Canary Wharf is tipped to be the big set piece battle.

Friday, 15 April 2011

It's Friday, It's London , it's Muslims against Crusaders

I watched the Muslims against Crusaders form up outside the Regent's Park Mosque today and move off down park Road towards the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square where others met them.

I have pictures and video clips on the New English Review here. These are some more photographs, taken by me and my daughter.

Anybody who saw My Brother the Islamist will recognise this shower. Get those knees up lads - you're running late.

A small girl led the march. She carried the poster - her scooter was carried for her.

Threats will not work.

The women took their dutiful place behind the men.

Muslims will annihilate the Crusade. I think not.

Another familiar face. If you had got up earlier you could have been up front with the men. Still better late than never.

Update by Tarquin Wallaby III

As the poppy burners arrived at the USA embassy, we had approximately 50 Patriots around the square. 30 were penned into an small area with around 20 who were free in the square. Why can't these guys do something in the evening when more Patriots who have to work can come, rather than having to work to pay for their benefits? The poppy burning extremists were foaming at the mouth as we expressed our patriotic feelings. They knew we were there, we showed they won't be un-opposed to spew their hatred.
As we departed to the sound of another "Burn in hell" being broadcast from a speaker for the umpteenth time, it does make you wonder why someone would wish to live in an Democracy when it's hated so much, when they simply can go live in a Shariah based system where they could be happy and forget all the burn in hell rhetoric?
But then again the benefits wouldn't be so good would it!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Dagenham Green Lane - we do not give up easily.

I originally posted about Saturday's demonstration against the expansion of the Becontree heath Islamic Society into a new mosque in the New English Review. I have been a contributing editor that that web magazine since it went live in 2006.

My original report is here. These are some more photographs which will give you a flavour of the day.

We had speeches from Tommy Robinson and Kev Carroll and attendance from divisions far and wide (as far as the west country) and our own London and Essex divisions, plus friends and individual local people. You can see from the flags where some divisions had traveled from.

There were less police in attendance than at the previous demonstration and the only shop to close was the Halal butcher outside which the 9 piece band Dagenham Unity, the counter protest for this week, were dancing and playing with their maracas. The florist trading in the unit which the BHIS intend to buy, if they can raise the money, stayed open during the demonstration and several women bought flowers from her to lay at Chadwell Heath station on the return leg of the march.

Photo above, the march begins to make its way back to the departure point, a friendly pub in Chadwell Heath, which took them past Dagenham Unity below.

The long standing residents of Dagenham are quite certain that they do not want a mosque in what used to be a well set up shopping centre which met the everyday needs of local families.

We will not roll over and move away.

A Monday Evening in Knightsbridge

Last Monday night the unwashed were out polluting the air of London Town with the stench of  B.O. and bullshit as they showed their support for their Islamofascist friends in protesting about the French Burkha ban. More hypocritical crap from a group that claims to protect the `wimmins` rights but are quite happy to see them imprisoned behind a medieval garment designed to cut them off from the rest of the world. Designed for women by men whos sexual urges are so great that they cant see bare flesh without getting a rape-on. Its sick.
The patriots of the English Defence League and Casuals United felt the need to counter this demo as we fully support the French and only wish our own government would be brave enough to follow those other European countries who have, or are in the process of implementing this ban. There is no place for this disgusting garment in western society and is just another example of Islamic militancy and their total disregard for our culture and traditions.
A group of fifty lads assembled under the radar a mere 500 yards from where the soapdodgers and their friends had gathered and we split into two groups. The first group consisting of mainly game youth walked up to the demo site from the main road chanting `E E EDL` which gave the older lads the chance to slip around the back of the demo and completely suprise the UAF and the Old Bill.
Caught napping was an understatement as a handful of coppers were brushed aside as the patriots rushed in. The look of fear and the stench of flatulence was thick in the air as the lefties completely shat themselves. The youth coming in from one side and the rest of the boys from the other. A classic pincer movement executed with military precision. In the true traditions of british political debate blows were traded as the lefties were liberated of banners and self respect. In no time at all the Police reinforcements arrived. Most with sugar stuck to their faces where they were obviously indulging in that great police passtime of doughnut eating. Weymann Bennet had to be forcibly restrained from licking all the coppers faces.
We picked up one casualty as a brave patriot was arrested by the forces of law and disorder. They made a meal of his arrest as he was only protecting himself , from a flagpole waving jihadi nutjob. (good work kiddo, the beers are on me). The Rozzers now numbering around 100 or more pushed us back leaving the crustys and their friends to lick their wounds. Fat boy Weymann then decided it was safe to come out of hiding and slobbered to the front of the tramps collective only to be met with a rousing chorus of `who ate all the pies`. Unusually for the fat jibbering bastard he was lost for words and had to make do with eating a passing traffic warden.
Having made our point and utterly ruining their demo the agents of our government decided it was time to go. To the chant of `We`ve took the piss again` We were escorted to Knightsbridge tube station and escorted all the way across London to Acton Town before being left to make our own way back into town for a victory celebration and much back slapping.
We have proved yet again that when required we will go where we like, when we like, and do whatever the fuck we like to whoever we dont like. NO fucking surrender…….EVER


This is the newly formed blog page for the Capital Crusader. Highlighting our struggle against Radical Islam and exposing our foes.
The London Division admin team are in the process of producing an informative and entertaining page for you.
Watch this space.

No Surrender