Now I love MFE and support them whenever possible. Top guys and girls without a hint of racism who enjoy promoting the rich traditions and culture of our great country while not being afraid to stand up to our enemies and those who wish to undermine us. Led by the irrepressible Pompey Dave you know its going to be a well organised affair.
This event has a bit of history to it. Last year the scum sucking leeches of the left decided that the sight of our national flag was so offensive to their socialist ideals that the march had to be stopped. They worked themselves into a foaming frenzy of communist fervor and decided they would do everything to block the parade even to the point of soliciting people to come armed and ready for violence. One weedy university student was dragged from his piss soaked pit after urging other soapdodgers to get tooled up on facebook.
Well as history reports it didn't go their way even though they indiscriminately attacked women and children who had come to town for a traditional day by the sea and to celebrate our Patron Saint. Many a leftist shitstain was sent packing with a fat lip and worse.
Of course you couldn't really have expected any different this year and there they were again. A ragtag band of soapy looking students, antifa wannabes and crusty old socialists nimbys. It makes my piss boil listening to these twats talking shit about things they only read about in the biased rags like the Morning Star, Socialist Worker and the Guardian.
`Ooh your all racists` they shout. `That flag screams colonialism and is a reminder of our imperialistic past`. Bollocks, I say. Its our countrys flag and if you dont like it fuck off to Nicaragua or Cuba or some other commie shithole.
Well I`d barely made it out of the station before I got my first `warning` of the day from plod. Fuck em, I wont be silenced.
It was good to see all the old faces and a lot of new uns young and old gathered outside a friendly alehouse. Time for a few bevvys and chew the cud. Pompey Dave was busy making sure the OB gave no ground to the human tidemark that had gathered opposite and as good as their word the plod washed them down the street allowing us to get our patriots moving.
Off we went, a procession of Englands finest in great voice. A sea of red and white rolling down towards the town escorted by a very unseasonal looking platoon of high viz wearing rozzers. We were followed by a ragtag bunch of smelly tramps and hobos screaming incoherent rants and unintelligible bullshit. It was sport for us as insults were traded and victims targeted in song. A veritable plethora of fucked up weirdos and freaks of nature were laid waste as they got the full blast of nationalistic pride and fervour. I was loving it as I picked up warning after warning after last warning after final warning, ultimatum ect ect ect. I,m not backing down to these dirt encrusted anglophobics and neither was anyone else.
There were a few flash points as the grime gang tried to get brave behind the lines of police that were there to protect them. Ultimately they knew the score. Push your luck that bit more and your weekends will involve eating unpalatable food behind the wire holding your jaw together. Not a good look for the summer.
We ended up on the green at Victoria Gardens for a short time as a small group of UAF tards were allowed to pollute the air with their unwashed stench. Strangely three crustys who had obviously been on the mushrooms decided it would be clever to walk through, gob off and spit at one of our lads. Two got battered for their cheek and the soap on a rope who did the gobbing ended up getting nicked for his troubles. The twat.
We were then returned back to our friendly ale house where we were allowed to carry on with the days festivities. The old bill left and without the protection afforded to them the scum melted away aware of how any confrontation would result. Most of the patriots rolled down to the pier and on to the beach to enjoy the rest of the beautiful bank holiday weather.
We corralled the occasional passing lefty and one thing that surprised me was that most didn't have a clue who we were or what we were about. We even kidnapped one of the biggest pisstakers who followed us around through the day and got him to sit down for a pint. He admitted that for him and his mates it was all banter and they thought we were just a bunch of BNP style racists. He left educated as did a few others we spoke to.
It was a great day and a great success for MFE. Pompey Dave should be proud of himself and His organisation. The results speak for themselves. Patriots arrested = 0 Lefty scum = 9
Well done mate and I,m looking forward to next year already